
Science Building #B515

Dynamic flexural measurement system

Dynamic flexural measurement system is a very sensitive detection technique to study vibrational motion of 1- or 2-dimensional materials using laser interferometry.

Confocal Raman microspectrometer

Raman spectrum imaging to observe vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in various systems can be carried out using confocal Raman microspectrometer, which provides diffraction limited lateral resolution (<300nm) imaging and 3D image generation Raman spectroscope

In-Situ Raman spectrum and photocurrent imaging system

The high resolution(~2-3nm) data imaging(mapping) of Raman spectrum and photocurrent for various nanomaterials are simultaneously measurable through the confocal Raman microscope combined with home-made electrical measurement system.

Atomic Force Microscope

Chemical vapor deposition

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is used for synthesizing well crystallized Zinc Oxide nanowires.


Spin coater is machine used to deposit uniform flat and thin layer on substrate. First, drop fluid on entire surface of flat substrate. By controlling angular speed, we can control thickness of thin layer. This process is used in coating photo resist or e-beam resist.

I-V 4-point probe station

IV 4-point probe station and Keithley 4200 (HP4145B) are provided for measuring various electrical properties using two and four point measurement technique.

Low temperature I-V 4-point probe station

IV 4-point probe station and Keithley 4200 (HP4145B) are provided for measuring various electrical properties using two and four point measurement technique in high vacuum at low temperature(~77K).

Probe-type sonicator

ultrasonic Probe Sonicator is widely used in tissue processing and particle dispersion. Based on latest technology, these can be easily transferred from one batch to other with intermediatory operations like emptying, cleaning and refilling. The ultrasonic processor can easily be transported to various locations of sample operations.

Bath-type sonicator

It is a high frequency electrical energy that is converted into ultrasound waves by means of ultrasonic transducers, which are bonded on the base of water tank. The ultrasonic bath sonicator are high frequency sound waves that are created in the liquid countless, microscopic vacuum bubbles, which rapidly expand & collapse. Excessive scrubbing of cavitation cleans away all the dirt and soil from the object immersed and the object is effectively cleaned.

  Home-made position aligner

In our laboratory, simple position aligner developed using optical microscope and XYZ manipulators. Various low-dimentional micro- and nano- materials could be transferred to target substrate with high accuracy (~100nm)

Critical point dryer

Critical point drying process is a method for drying samples without collapsing or deforming the suspended structure during wet process.